Friday 9 November 2012

Jota/Joti 2012 Feedback

The Scouts had an enjoyable day talking to some HamSphere operators located around the world.

Girl Scouts from 1st Edenvale Girl Scout Troop joined our activity. They also used the HamSphere software program. They also chatted to other Scouts using Skype software.

Our Scouts were also able to complete the pioneering structure in preparation for their camp-out on the 27th September.

The structure was also built to show parents of members of our Scout Group (who will be attending the Scout Group AGM of the 27th) what Scouts are capable of building.

The Jota/Joti activity was however interrupted in the afternoon by a very big rain storm during which there was also a very large "hail-storm". The hail stones were between the size of a golf ball and a cricket ball. This caused a lot of damage to houses and cars in the suburb/town which included the damage to the cars of our Scouters and visitors.